The six-session course offers excellent guidance on how to assess and plan the task of carrying out structural analysis using FEA.
Finite Element Analysis is a powerful, widely used and universally accepted technique. However, for those new to FEA there is a steep learning curve to overcome, with a bewildering array of:
This is before we get down to the engineering physics behind the problem, with associated classic traps and errors. What is needed is guidance via a thorough but practical assessment of the method and how to use it in the real world.
Content includes:
Travel and training budgets are always tight! The e-Learning course has been developed to help you meet your training needs.
If your company has a group of engineers, or specific training requirements across any subjects, please contact us to discuss options.
This course did everything right. From organization to presentation to interaction, this is a good model for what online training should be. |
Tony's command over the subject and excellent teaching skills made this course worthwhile. |
Super! Doesn't get better than this. Good idea to start having e-Learning courses. |
I'm really happy not to pay a big fraction of my annual training budget to airlines and hotels. A BIG plus to e-learning. |
ID | Competence Statement |
FEAkn1 | List the various steps in the analysis/simulation process. |
FEAkn2 | Define the meaning of degree of freedom. |
FEAkn3 | List the nodal degrees of freedom and the associated force actions for common beam, 2D solid, 2D axisymmetric, 3D solid and shell elements, for the Displacement FEM. |
FEAkn4 | Define the meaning of adaptive mesh refinement |
FEAkn7 | Name other finite element methods. |
FEAkn8 | List the requirements for an axisymmetric analysis to be valid. |
FEAkn9 | List the degrees of freedom to be constrained on a symmetric boundary. |
FEAkn11 | Sketch problems showing the various form of symmetry. |
FEAkn12 | List the advantages of using symmetry. |
FEAkn14 | List the possible advantages of applying material properties, loads and boundary conditions to underlying geometry rather than to finite element entities. |
FEAkn15 | List 2 common solvers for large sets of simultaneous equations. |
FEAkn16 | List the various forms of element distortion. |
FEAkn17 | List the various element types commonly used in the analysis of components within your organisation. |
FEAco1 | Describe the sources of error inherent in finite element analysis, in general terms. |
FEAco2 | Discuss checks that may be used post-solution to check for the presence of inaccuracy. |
FEAco3 | Explain the term solution residual. |
FEAco4 | Explain the meaning of convergence, including h and p types. |
FEAco5 | Discuss the difficulties that can arise in using a CAD model as the basis for carrying out analysis and simulation. |
FEAco6 | Discuss the need for a consistent set of units in any analysis and illustrate possible pitfalls. |
FEAco7 | Explain why strains and stresses are generally less accurate than displacements for any given mesh of elements, using the Displacement FEM. |
FEAco8 | Discuss the validity of using symmetry techniques to model non-symmetric problems. |
FEAco9 | Explain the meaning of the term ill-conditioned when used in the context of a set of solution equations and illustrate physical situations where this might reflect reality. |
FEAco11 | Discuss the finite element / spring analogy. |
FEAco13 | Explain how the structural stiffness matrix is assembled from the individual element matrices. |
FEAco14 | Discuss the nature of the structural stiffness matrix. |
FEAco16 | Discuss the salient features of the integral equation for Consistent Nodal Loading. |
FEAco17 | Explain the process of Gaussian Quadrature and the terms Reduced Integration, Shear Locking and Mechanisms. |
FEAco19 | Discuss the general requirements for suitable Displacement Functions. |
FEAco20 | Discuss the terms C0 and C1 Continuity. |
FEAco23 | Explain the Equilibrium and Compatibility conditions, normally found within and between displacement elements. |
FEAco28 | Explain why element distortion generally results in poorer results. |
FEAco32 | Explain the concept of substructuring, where applicable and highlight common limitations of use. |
FEAco33 | Describe the process of nested or submodelling. |
FEAco36 | Discuss how developments in computing power and system functionality are affecting modelling strategies, highlighting techniques that are falling into disuse. |
FEAco37 | Discuss modelling issues related to wind, sea, and other relevant forms of stochastic loading. |
FEAco40 | Explain the rationale behind the use of 1-D, 2-D and 3-D elements used in the analysis of components within your organisation. |
FEAap1 | Employ an analysis system for the determination of stresses and strains in small displacement, linear elastic problems. |
FEAap4 | Illustrate the various steps in the Displacement Finite Element Method from assumed displacement polynomial to determination of stresses. |
FEAap9 | Employ cyclic symmetric boundary conditions effectively, where appropriate. |
FEAap11 | Illustrate consistent nodal loadings for uniform loading on a range of common linear and quadratic shell, 2D and 3D solid elements and note any unusual features. |
FEAap12 | Employ a range of post-solution checks to determine the integrity of FEA results. |
FEAap13 | Conduct validation studies in support of FEA. |
FEAap14 | Carry out sensitivity studies. |
FEAan1 | Analyse the results from small displacement, linear static analyses and determine whether they satisfy inherent assumptions. |
FEAan2 | Compare the results from small displacement, linear elastic analyses with allowable values and comment on findings. |
FEAan3 | Analyse the results from sensitivity studies and draw conclusions from trends. |
FEAsy1 | Prepare an analysis specification, including modelling strategy, highlighting any assumptions relating to geometry, loads, boundary conditions and material properties. |
FEAsy2 | Develop an analysis strategy that enables the relative significance of individual model parameters and their interactions to be evaluated. |
FEAsy3 | Plan an analysis, specifying necessary resources and timescale. |
FEAsy4 | Prepare quality assurance procedures for finite element analysis activities within an organisation. |
FEAsy8 | Prepare a validation plan in support of a FEA study. |
FEAev2 | Assess the significance of neglecting any feature or detail in any idealisation. |
FEAev3 | Assess the significance of simplifying geometry, material models, loads or boundary conditions. |
FEAev5 | Manage verification and validation procedures in support of FEA. |
MESMkn6 | Sketch the graph of force versus deflection for a linear elastic spring and identify the potential energy and the complementary energy. |
MESMkn9 | Sketch a general 3D stress element showing all stress components. |
MESMkn10 | Sketch Mohr Circle for a simple tensile test specimen, illustrating the plane of maximum shear. |
MESMkn11 | Define Hooke's Law. |
MESMkn12 | Define Poisson's Ratio. |
MESMkn13 | Define the relationship between Young's Modulus, Poisson's Ratio and Shear Modulus. |
MESMkn14 | Sketch the through-thickness shear stress distribution in a rectangular beam subjected to a shearing load. |
MESMkn15 | List the equations for the hoop and longitudinal stresses in an internally pressurised thin sphere and a thin cylinder with remote end closures. |
MESMkn16 | Sketch the contact normal stress distribution for a circular pin in lug with a circular hole. |
MESMkn17 | List the section properties for a range of common shapes, including hollow circular. |
MESMkn18 | List various Failure Hypotheses / Criteria. |
MESMkn19 | State an appropriate failure criteria for brittle materials. |
MESMkn20 | Define Tresca and von Mises Stress for a 3D stress state. |
MESMkn21 | State the elastic Constitutive Relations in 2D, for a homogeneous, isotropic material. |
MESMco1 | Discuss the term Rigid Body and explain its significance in relation to any analysis. |
MESMco2 | Explain the terms Uniaxial, Biaxial and Triaxial Stress. |
MESMco3 | Explain the significance of the terms Equilibrium, Compatibility and Constitutive Relations. |
MESMco4 | Discuss the terms True Stress and Natural Strain. |
MESMco5 | Describe the stress distribution around a hole in an infinite plate subjected to uniaxial tension. |
MESMco6 | Sketch deformed shapes, shear force, bending moment and torque diagrams, for simple structures. |
MESMco9 | Discuss the uncertainties typically present in analyses and explain how these are handled. |
MESMco10 | Explain the term Statically Indeterminate and illustrate with a few examples. |
MESMco11 | Explain the significance of the assumption plane sections remain plane in relation to beam bending. |
MESMco12 | Explain when deflection due to shear starts to become significant with beams, plates and shells. |
MESMco14 | Provide examples of Plane Stress and Plane Strain. |
MESMco15 | Explain the Tresca and von Mises Failure Criteria in 2D, sketching the failure surface. |
MESMco16 | Discuss the stress states that give rise to maximum differences between the Tresca and von Mises criteria. |
MESMco17 | Discuss the Principle of Superposition and its limitations. |
MESMco18 | Explain how St. Venant's Principle may be of use in FEA. |
MESMco19 | Explain how the interaction of stress concentrations may be handled. |
MESMap1 | Employ Free Body Diagrams effectively. |
MESMap2 | Use tables to retrieve stress concentration data for common configurations. |
MESMap8 | Evaluate deformed shapes, shear force, bending moment and torque diagrams for simple structures. |
MESMan1 | Use tabulated formulae or first principles to determine deflections and stresses for simple, beam, plate and shell problems, as a check on values from FEA. |
MESMsy1 | Plan analysis strategies. |
BMPSkn2 | Sketch typical beam, membrane, plate and shell elements showing degrees of freedom and corresponding force actions. |
BMPSco1 | Describe the basic differences between a membrane, a plate and a shell. |
BMPSco2 | Explain the term and significance of a drilling degree of freedom for a shell element (rotational freedom normal to the shell surface). |
BMPSco3 | Discuss, in general terms, the assumptions inherent in beam, plate or shell theory forming the basis of any element being used. |
BMPSco9 | Discuss the significance of a facetted representation of a curved shell, where relevant and explain why use of this type of element is no longer necessary. |
BMPSco14 | Describe any inherent dangers in using a membrane or a plate idealisation rather than a shell one. |
BMPSco15 | Discuss the use of beam and shell elements to model stiffeners and highlight limitations. |
BMPSco22 | Describe the terms Neutral Axis and Centroidal Axis in relation to beam elements. |
BMPSco23 | Describe the terms Shear Centre, Shear Coefficients, Torsional Constant and Warping in relation to beam elements. |
BMPSco25 | Explain why the through-thickness stress is commonly neglected in thin shells. |
BMPSco26 | Describe the boundary conditions appropriate to fully-fixed and simply supported beams and shells and explain the link to bending stress. |
BMPSco29 | Discuss the effect of an offset in shell mid-surface on local and global result quantities. |
BMPSco31 | Explain the challenges in connecting beam and shell elements to solids. |
BMPSap3 | Determine positive plate/shell normal directions and use this effectively in the application of pressure and the correct display of surface stress plots. |
BMPSap4 | Use beam elements effectively for appropriate idealisations of components and structures. |
BMPSap5 | Use membrane elements effectively for appropriate idealisations of components and structures. |
BMPSap6 | Use plate elements effectively for appropriate idealisations of components and structures. |
BMPSap7 | Use shell elements effectively for appropriate idealisations of components and structures. |
BMPSan1 | Analyse requirements for finite element models of industrial components using beam, membrane, plate and shell elements and determine whether the basic assumptions inherent in the element formulations are valid. |
BMPSsy1 | Plan modelling strategies for stiffened plate/shell structures. |
BMPSev1 | Justify the appropriateness of a beam, membrane, plate or shell idealisation for any analysis. |
MASco1 | Describe the salient features of a stress strain curve from a uniaxial tensile test on a typical steel and aluminium alloy. |
MASco4 | Describe the characteristics of ductile and brittle failures. |
MASco15 | If relevant to your industry sector, explain how use of a modulus and allowable stress can be used in a small displacement linear elastic analysis of a plastic component. |
MASap1 | Employ material constitutive data appropriately in analysis and simulation. |
SIMMkn17 | SPDM - State applicable simulation process for the relevant project in your organization. |
SIMMkn18 | SPDM - State input data from other disciplines and domains (e.g. design, loads, materials, tests...). |
SIMMkn19 | SPDM - State output of simulation & analysis processes, including design substantiation, test requirements... |
SIMMkn20 | SPDM - State the different phases and control actions of an efficient simulation and analysis process |
SIMMkn26 | SPDM - Identify model/simulation data to be managed. |
SIMMkn27 | SPDM - List the import and eIntro to FEAport formats available in your application software. |
SIMMco27 | SPDM- Understand the process to import and select loads for the relevant project(*). |
SIMMco28 | SPDM- Understand loads selection and combination rules applicable to the relevant project(*). |
SIMMco29 | SPDM- Understand different load characteristics and variability(*). |
SIMMco36 | SPDM - Understand successive phases of the applicable simulation process including preparatory phase, modelling and simulation phase, validation and assessment phase. |
SIMMco47 | SPDM - Describe the limitations of the import and export formats available in your application software. |
SIMMap14 | SPDM - Use applicable capability to eIntro to FEAtract/import applicable material data for simulation(*). |
SIMMap15 | SPDM - Use applicable capability to import applicable loads and environmental data(*). |
SIMMan16 | SPDM - Analyze the impact of input data changes ( e.g.loads..) in support of a decision to launch a new simulation loop. |
SIMMan17 | SPDM - Analyze the impact of material changes in support of a decision to launch a new simulation loop(*). |
SIMMco7 - V&V | Explain the term solution verification. |
SIMMap4 - V&V | Perform basic model checks |
SIMMap6 - V&V | Perform test /analysis correlation studies |
SIMMan6 - V&V | Analyze simulation results to support validation activities. |
SIMMsy7 - V&V | Prepare a validation plan in support of a FEA study. |
SIMMkn9 | List the various CAD, and CAE systems your company uses and has a need to transfer data to/from. |
SIMMkn10 | State whether the CAD CAE interfaces amongst your analysis and simulations applications are uni directional or bi directional |
SIMMco15 | Understand fundamentals of the mechanical design process |
SIMMco16 | Explain how a CAD model can support different CAE models. |
SIMMco18 | Understand procedures to extract and import applicable CAD geometrical data, and/or drawings for the relevant analysis. |
SIMMco20 | Understand the tracking of changes in CAD and simulation models |
SIMMco23 | Review the functionality of STEP in relation to your analysis and simulation needs. |
SIMMco25 | Review whether features are retained across the import and export filters available in your application software. |
SIMMap8 | Apply any model clean up facilities available in your application software, for use on imported data. |
SIMMap9 | Use facilities in your application software to solidify imported geometry where necessary. |
SIMMap10 | Use your application software to extract mid surfaces from solid geometry |
SIMMap11 | Employ any feature-recognition facilities on imported geometry, to allow suppression or modification. |
SIMMap12 | Apply appropriate tolerances and other settings when importing and exporting model data. |
SIMMan8 | Appraise whether any geometrical entities have been approximated on importation into your analysis and simulation systems. |
SIMMan18 | Analyze the impact of design changes in support of a decision to launch a new simulation loop. |
SIMMan19 | Assess the justification of design changes coming from simulation results. |
Event Type | eLearning |
Member Price | £357.62 | $458.00 | €428.28 |
Non-member Price | £529.40 | $678.00 | €634.01 |
Tutor: | ![]() |
Start Date | End Date | Location | |
Session Times | | Online | |
Session Times | | Online | |
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