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Why do Surrogate Modelling

Why Do Surrogate Modelling


NAFEMS wishes to commission an author to develop the publication with the title “Why Do Surrogate Modelling”. This document is aimed at addressing surrogate modelling in the context of engineering optimisation. The publication is anticipated to introduce the reader to the benefits, challenges, and pitfalls of using surrogate models.

Intended Readership

The intended readership is anticipated to consist of design and analysis engineers and engineering managers responsible for product development. The publication is expected to provide the readers with an introduction to best practice in the development and application of surrogate models to solve engineering optimisation problems, illustrated by reference to various examples.

Suggested Content

The publication is anticipated to provide a detailed introduction to surrogate modelling for engineering optimisation and address the following topics:

  • Introduction to common surrogate modelling methods,
  • Strengths and weaknesses of different surrogate modelling methods,
  • Guidance on building surrogate models,
  • Advice on how to evaluate surrogate model performance and accuracy,
  • Approaches for using surrogate models in the product optimisation process,
  • Surrogate model for optimising product robustness.

The book should address building surrogate models using both “physics based” and “data based” modelling approaches.

In addition, the book is expected to provide examples of how surrogate models are used in industry.


The document should conform to the standard NAFEMS publication template (provided upon contract award). The anticipated length of the publication is between 70-100 A5 pages.


The total cost is not expected to exceed £8000 (GBP), and it is expected that the document will be completed within 12 months from NAFEMS approval.

Guidance for Proposals

Each proposal should consist of:

  • The proposed structure of the document with the titles and lengths of the sections to be developed,
  • Work plan including milestones and interim deliveries for early review,
  • Cost,
  • The authors' credentials, curriculum vitae, etc. Proposals from single authors and consortia will be considered,
  • The PSE competencies that the publication is anticipated to address. Potential authors are encouraged to review the “Optimisation” PSE technical area for relevant competencies. Contact to obtain access.


All proposals should be sent to NAFEMS at to arrive no later than 1st of July 2025.