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Physical Test Data for Simulation Engineers

Physical Test Data for Simulation Engineers

The NAFEMS Education and Training Working Group wishes to commission a new publication titled “Physical Test Data for Simulation Engineers".

Intended Readership

This will be a book aimed at simulation engineers to provide a better understanding of the accuracy, calibration, uncertainty and limitations of physical test data. The book will address laboratory material data needed in FE simulations and test data used to validate FE solutions.


The following topics are suggested:

  • Types of experimental errors
  • Quantification of errors, precision and accuracy
  • Measurement and propagation of uncertainties
  • Simplifications in simulation models
  • Sensitivity analysis in simulation
  • Data retention of simulation and test data
  • Validation of simulation data against experimental data
  • Illustrative examples

Format, Cost & Delivery

  • The book should not exceed 200 pages of A5
  • A large number of colour graphical illustrations and descriptive figures should accompany the text.
  • The content should be independent of any software code
  • The total cost is not expected to exceed £7000 GBP.
  • It is expected that the book will be completed within 12 months from NAFEMS approval.


Potential authors should submit the following:

  • A brief description of the main topics to be covered
  • Chapter and section headings with an approximate number of pages per chapter
  • Timescale for completing the book
  • Cost
  • CVs of the authors (Maximum  two-pages per author) 

Potential authors should review the PSE Competencies tracker and identify the PSE competencies that the proposed publication is anticipated to address. A list of the NAFEMS PSE Competencies addressed by the publication should be included int he proposal. The NAFEMS technical officer is available to help identify relevant technical areas of PSE.


Applicants are advised to study existing NAFEMS publications in this field before submitting a bid. The following NAFEMS publications cover themes related to this field:


Proposal should be sent to NAFEMS at  for a 1st of July 2025 submission deadline. For further details contact