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How To – Model Delamination and Failure of Composites

How To – Model Delamination and Failure of Composites


NAFEMS wishes to commission an author to develop the publication “How To – Model Delamination and Failure of Composites”. The book is intended to focus on fibre reinforced composites.

Intended Readership

The intended readership is an industrial practitioner who is familiar with the principals of Finite Element Analysis and has a basic understanding of simulation the strength and stiffness of composites.

Suggested Contents

The book should cover all aspects of delamination and failure of composite structures using modern FE Analysis software. The following topics are expected to be covered:

  • Composite Failure theories,
  • Material properties required for commonly used failure models,
  • Fibre failure due to tensile and comprehensive loading,
  • Matrix cracking due to transverse loading and shearing,
  • Damage initiation and evolution for fibre-reinforced composites,
  • Delamination of adhesively bonded materials,
  • Brittle and Ductile failure,
  • Multi-scale modelling,
  • Progressive failure of fibre-reinforced composites.


The document should confirm to the standard NAFEMS publication template (provided upon contract award). The anticipated length of the publication is between 70-100 A5 pages.


The total cost is not expected to exceed £8000 (GBP), and it is expected that the document will be completed within 12 months from NAFEMS approval.

Guidance for Proposals

Each proposal should consist of:

  • The proposed structure of the document with the titles of the sections to be developed,
  • Work plan including milestones and interim deliveries for early review,
  • Cost,
  • The authors' credentials, curriculum vitae, etc. Proposals from single authors and consortia will be considered,
  • The PSE competencies that the publication is anticipated to address. Potential authors are encouraged to review the “Composite Materials and Structures” PSE technical area for relevant competencies. Contact to obtain access.



Interested potential authors should request additional information using the following email address: Interested parties are encouraged to submit proposals by the 1st of July 2025.