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Finding the Real Fatigue Strength

Precise prediction of service life for our engineering structures becomes more and more critical as we continuously search for efficient use of the material, space and mass. Engineering structures are known to be susceptible to material fatigue, which is the leading cause of mechanical in-service failures and therefore, a first-order design goal to avoid. Generally, fatigue strength is calculated with the post-processing of the local stresses and strains from an FEA simulation using various guidelines, standards, software and material databases.

This webinar looks at the effect of factors outside of the engineering office. The focus is on the influence of surface conditions, which are unique for each casted component and additive manufactured part. These specific surface conditions have a significant impact on the real fatigue strength.

In this webinar, Márton Gróza from NAFEMS Eastern Europe will present the results and experience of a joint industrial-academic research program conducted on nodular cast iron components. The field of defect induced fatigue will also be introduced, including the Kitagawa diagram, fracture mechanics and notch fatigue concepts.

Document Details

AuthorGroza. M
Date 8th June 2020


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