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Non-Destructive Condition Evaluation of Transmission Components for a Second Product Life Based on Efficient Life Tests

This presentation was made at the NAFEMS Seminar "Integration of simulation and testing in product development" held on the 16-17 June 2021.

Will simulation completely replace test in the future? This question is being asked as we see increasing use and rapid development of numerical simulation methods. Today we know that simulation and test and complement each other. However, we see a trend in where expensive laboratories experimental investigations are replaced by simulation methods.

Both worlds, simulation and test, have entered into a symbiosis that constantly opens up new possibilities, but also places new demands on system development, users and training. The seminar gave an overview on the current state of play in the interaction of test and simulation in product development.

Document Details

AuthorKroner. A
TypePresentation Recording
Date 16th June 2021


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