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T Line. This is Brompton. Reinvented. FE Analysis and Optimisation to Support Lightweighting of Titanium Folding Bicycle Frame

The NAFEMS UK Conference 2022 (NRC22 UK) took place in Milton Keynes on June 7th & 8th bringing end-users, developers, academics and industrialists together in one, independent gathering, the conference will feature several outstanding invited presentations, technical tracks, training courses and workshops under one roof. There is no other independent, technically focused event covering engineering analysis, modelling and simulation

The NRC22 UK brought together all those involved in analysis and simulation from every corner of industry and academia, giving an opportunity to advance their knowledge, give their organisation a competitive advantage, and be part of improving the technology itself.

  • How can your organisation take full advantage of the advances in analysis technology?
  • Are you equipped to inspire innovation for the next decade of simulation developments?
  • Have you, and your colleagues, got the skills and knowledge you really need to develop and grow with the technology?
  • When does ‘the future’ become ‘the norm’?

As the international association dedicated to engineering analysis and simulation, NAFEMS is the independent voice of the CAE community, representing over 1500 member organisations worldwide, including all the major software vendors, global manufacturing industry and leading academic institutions.

There is simply no other event which provides this independent vision at a local level, backed-up by the strength that an international organisation spanning almost every country in the world affords.

Document Details

AuthorBeresford. M
Date 7th June 2022
OrganisationBrompton Bicycle Ltd


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