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A Designers' Guide to CFD

The idea for a Designers’ Guide to CFD came from the belief that the CFD world needed the equivalent to the very popular “A Designers’ Guide to Simulation with Finite Element Analysis” published by NAFEMS. In common with the structural simulation world, CFD software vendors have seen a growth of usage as they have linked closer to MCAD systems and done their utmost to make the process as easy as possible. This implies that CFD users are no longer the PhD qualified specialists that were most users as little as fifteen years ago. These changes combined with the ever‑increasing speed and affordability of computer processing technology has led to an influx of new users to CFD technology. These new users are probably more familiar with working with CAD geometry than the details of numerical simulation methods. This book is for these new users of CFD rather than existing CFD specialists.


1. Introduction1
2. Where is Upfront CFD Applicable?11
3. Is My Simulation Fit For Purpose?31
4. The CFD Process45
5. Using Results to Improve Designs109
6. Project Reporting and Data Management121
7. Where to go for Help127
8. References131


Document Details

AuthorClapp. M
AudiencesStudent Analyst Designer
Date 1st November 2019


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