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SimBest - High Value Manufacturing Modelling and Simulation Best Practice

This document is a result of survey work carried out within the SimBest project (start 1st April 2015, end 31st March 2016) to evaluate the use of engineering simulation and analysis in the energy, automotive, built environment, health, aeronautics, process and electronics manufacturing sectors in order to evaluate the industrial best practice and the academic state of-the-art. This enabled the definition of:

  • areas where new users can learn from experienced ones,
  • potential learning areas across different sectors, and
  • areas requiring further development to maintain the continual progress of experienced users.

The objective was to facilitate both new and experienced users in their continual quest to achieve more efficiency savings and competitive advantages in their design and manufacturing activities and also help the creation of material to encourage the learning process.

The project scope was reduced to focus on a few topics such as material technologies, coupled/multi-physics simulations, multi-scale modelling, optimization, High Performance Computing (HPC), Verification and Validation (V&V), Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) and Simulation Process and Data Management (SPDM).


  • Introduction 
  • Executive Summary 
  • Major Findings & Gaps 
  • Best Practices related to Engineering Knowledge 
  • Data collection and Analysis 
  • Industrial Approach to Simulation 
  • Industrial Best Practice 
  •  Academic State of the Art

Document Details

AuthorDuffett. G
Date 1st August 2017


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