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Tutorials for the Simulation of Forging Processes

This document is a collection of tutorials or training materials which describe how to address different problems or issues in cold and hot forging process design when using numerical simulation software. The forging issues were selected according to the results of a European survey of companies, research institutes and universities involved in forging technologies. 

The purpose of this tutorial book is to provide the readers/users with a support and training guide for forging simulation and forging process consideration depending on the main forging issue. Use is made of real forging problems and the readers/users are provided with sufficient information to enable them to carry out their own forging simulations, using software of their choice, and thus explore different forging strategies. The tutorials do not give guidelines on how to design forging processes, but each tutorial describes different lines of study carried out to reach a solution. No help is provided in using any particular software. 

Files containing the geometries used, generally in STL or DXF format, can be obtained by contacting the author.

The issues highlighted to be addressed were:

  • Material flow
  • Material saving 
  • Folds 
  • Cracks 
  • Die filling 
  • Press/Tool deflection 
  • Microstructure 
  • Die wear

These tutorials were developed during the European project FEM FORGING – Continuous Training of Specialists on Design and Optimization of hot, warm and cold FORGING processes using FEM simulation technologies (Grant Agreement No. 2012-1-ES1-LEO05-48343).


1. Introduction 1

1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Finite Element Analysis 2
1.3 Forging tutorial levels 4
1.4 Further information and references 5

2. Fixed Gear 7

2.1 Overview 7
2.2 Tutorial structure 8
2.3 Study of forging variants 11
2.4 Overall evaluation of the studied variants  19

3. Radiator Valve 21

3.1 Overview 21
3.2 Overall Structure of the Tutorial 21
3.3 Case study common parameters 23
3.4 Study of forging variants 25
3.5 Overall Evaluation of the studied variants 41

4. Upsetting of Tubular Component 43

4.1 Overview 43
4.2 Overall Structure of the Tutorial 43
4.3 Study of Forging Variants 46

5. Bolt with an Internal Hex 55

5.1 Overview  55
5.2 Overall Structure of the Tutorial  55
5.3 Study of Forging Variants  60

6. Ball Joint Housing 73

6.1 Overview 73
6.2 Overall Structure of the Tutorial 74
6.3 Mesh Sensitivity Analysis 81
6.4 Study of Forging Variants 83
6.5 Overall evaluation of the studied Variants 97 

7. Quenching Process for a Stepped Shaft  99

7.1 Overview 997.2 Overall Structure of the Tutorial 99
7.3 Study of Quenching Variants 106
7.4 Overall evaluation of the studied variants 115

8. Turbine Blade  117

8.1 Overview 117
8.2 Overall Structure of the Tutorial 118
8.3 Study of the forging variants 123
8.4 Conclusions 137

9. Aluminium Rivet 139

9.1 Overview 139
9.2 Overall Structure of the Tutorial 142
9.3 Study of forging variants  147
9.4 Overall evaluation of the studied variants 159

10. Die Wear in Backward Can Extrusion 161

10.1 Overview 161
10.2 Structure of the Tutorial 161
10.3 Die wear study 163
10.4 Evaluation 167

11. References 169

Document Details

AuthorDuffett. G
AudiencesAnalyst Manager
Date 1st May 2016


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