A Synopsis and Copy of Published Papers from a NAFEMS Seminar held in April 2010, Wiesbaden Germany
Joints are an integral part of products in all sectors of industry, Civil and Offshore, Power and Pressure, Aerospace, Land Transport, Consumer Goods and Biomechanical applications. Joints are important not only with respect to structural integrity and performance of the products themselves but in the jigs, fixtures and test hardware used throughout the product manufacture and qualification process.
Components are assembled together to maintain structural integrity and performance using a variety of methods, either temporary mechanically fastened allowing for repeated disassembly and reassembly necessary for maintenance activities or permanent attachment.
Mechanically fastened joints may be temporary such as: bolts into nuts, anchor nuts or tapped holes, or permanent such riveted joints. Permanent joints also include for example, bonded, single lap, double lap, welded, fillet welds, spot welds, seam welds and soldered or brazed.
To maintain performance the joints need to survive all the loading environments experienced during the manufacture, assembly and testing and to deliver the required product performance throughout the in service life. These can be steady state or cyclic from vibration, shock and thermal environments or combinations of such loads at various points in the products life cycle.
Companies in the various industry sectors will have their own internal processes and methods for assessing structural integrity of the joints used with respect to their particular product or will make use of data from engineering bodies or standard engineering texts such as those listed below for example:
Product structural integrity is now routinely assessed using simulation techniques. Therefore it is necessary to represent the wide variety of joints used in product assemblies with an idealisation at system level to represent the stiffness characteristics and to recover loads for application to more detail models to assess the integrity of the joint itself.
The availability of sources of information in the public domain on idealisation of joints in simulation of the performance of bolted, riveted, welded, brazed and soldered joints is not well defined.
This document provides a synopsis of a NAFEMS seminar on Idealisation of Joints held in Wiesbaden in April 2010 including a summary of the industry sectors that presented information, the scope of information presented and copies of papers presented.
1. Introduction |
2. Index of Published Papers |
3. Synopsis of Seminar |
4. Conclusions |
5. Presented Papers |
5.1 Requirements for Sizing Methods of Damage Tolerant Structure Joints Taking Account of the needs of a Rivetless Assembly in the Aeronautic Industry |
5.2 Parametric FEM Computation of Riveted and Screwed Ventilated Facade Constructions |
5.3 Calculation of Stress Time Signals of Multi Bolted Joints Located at a Ball Joint of a Rail Vehicle |
5.4 Boolean Operations on Finite Elements For Simple Meshing of Multi Part Assemblies |
5.5 Simulation & optimisation of Part Connections |
5.6 FEA Connection Methods for Assemblies from Spot Welds to Adhesive Sealing in a Glance |
5.7 Simulation of Spot Shaped Joints in the Process of a Car Body Development Based on Local Stresses and Mesh Independent Modelling |
5.8 Fracture Modelling of Spot Welds and Rivets for Crash Simulation |
5.9 Numerical Fracture Prediction of Resistance Spot Welded Steel Joints |
5.10 Modelling of Weld and Adhesive Connections in Crashworthiness Applications with LSDYNA |
5.11 Cohesive Zone Model for Finite Element Simulation of Structural Bonded Joints: Modelisation Parameters Identification and Validation |
5.12 Process Simulation of A CFRP Composite Panel Using Approach of Cohesive Elements |
5.13 Simulation of Rotational Self Loosening of Bolted Joints |
5.14 Automated Evaluation & Assessment of Large Riveted Sheet Metal Structures |
5.15 Automated Calculation of High Duty Bolted Joints with Evaluation of Global FE Model |
5.16 Modelling and Evaluation Approaches for High Loaded Bolt and Stud Connections Using State of the Art Analysis Tools |
Reference | R0103 |
Author | Hopkins. P |
Language | English |
Audience | Analyst |
Type | Publication |
Date | 1st January 2012 |
Region | Global |
Order Ref | R0103 Book |
Member Price | £22.50 | $28.82 | €26.95 |
Non-member Price | £70.00 | $89.66 | €83.84 |
Order Ref | R0103 Download |
Member Price | £22.50 | $28.82 | €26.95 |
Non-member Price | £70.00 | $89.66 | €83.84 |
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