This Primer is one of many documents produced to help new and experienced analysts solve a range of problem types. It complements the books entitled A Finite Element Primer and NAFEMS Introduction to Non-linear Finite Element Analysis and is the first NAFEMS’ booklet on explicit analysis.
Explicit finite element codes have become increasingly more accessible to analysts and engineers for the solution of dynamic problems that are both non-linear and transient in nature. The functionality of these codes has also seen rapid development, as new applications are defined and older ones better understood. This primer document attempts to outline the theory behind some of the more common functionality, and, where possible to present objective methods on how best to apply it in analyses.
The document is basically divided into three sections:
The primer is targeted at readers with one to two years of experience using general finite element packages. It is impossible in a short document such as this to cover all aspects of the functionality and subtleties of each and every commercial code. Consequently, we have deliberately kept the subjects of each chapter general in nature. Additionally, we have deliberately refrained from exhaustive theoretical discourse on material models, preferring to indicate texts that treat this subject in a more rigorous manner in a bibliography section. We have tried to bring out the salient points of the topics of each chapter and where possible present a description of what can go wrong with an analysis, how to identify the problems and most importantly how to correct or minimise them. Finally, the primer is not intended as a substitute for the theory and user manuals of commercial programs and we would always recommend that these be consulted as the first point of reference before commencing the solution to a problem.
1.0 Introduction | 1 |
1.1 Setting the Scene | 1 |
1.2 Explicit Versus Implicit Time Integration | 2 |
1.2.1 Implicit Integration | 2 |
1.2.2 Explicit Integration | 3 |
1.3 Problems Suited to Explicit Analysis | 4 |
1.4 Historical Development of Explicit Finite Element Methods | 8 |
1.5 Stress Wave Propagation Example | 9 |
1.6 Consistent Units of Analysis | 13 |
1.7 Code Precision | 15 |
2.0 Theoretical Overview | 17 |
2.1 Background | 17 |
2.2 Element Formulations | 17 |
2.2.1 Common Element Classes | 17 |
2.2.2 Reduced Element Integration | 18 |
2.2.3 Hourglass Control | 20 |
2.3 Time Integration Loop | 23 |
2.4 Time Integration Stability | 24 |
2.5 Elemental Time Step Calculation | 27 |
2.6 Damping Control | 31 |
2.6.1 Viscous Damping | 31 |
2.6.2 Artificial Bulk Viscosity | 33 |
3.0 Material Modelling | 35 |
3.1 Elastoplastic Material Response | 36 |
3.1.1 Post Yield Stress Variation with Strain | 38 |
3.1.2 Material Yield Criteria and Plastic Straining | 41 |
3.1.3 Dynamic Material Response | 46 |
3.1.4 Material Failure | 50 |
3.2 Hyperelastic Material Response | 52 |
3.3 Viscous Material Response | 54 |
3.4 Rigid Body Response | 55 |
4.0 Loading and Boundary Conditions | 59 |
4.1 Nodal and Element Variables | 59 |
4.1.1 Follower Forces | 59 |
4.1.2 Stability Effects of Nodal Forces and Boundary Conditions | 60 |
4.2 Initial Conditions | 62 |
4.2.1 Nodal Constraints with Failure Criteria | 63 |
4.2.2 Body Forces | 65 |
4.3 Stress Initialisation | 65 |
4.4 Transmitting Boundaries | 69 |
5.0 Contact Modelling | 71 |
5.1 Contact Definitions | 72 |
5.2 Sorting Algorithms | 75 |
5.3 Penetration and Contact Force Evaluation | 76 |
5.3.1 Friction Force Calculation | 77 |
5.4 Special Cases of Contact | 77 |
5.4.1 Plane Rigid Surface Contact | 77 |
5.4.2 General Rigid Body Contact | 78 |
5.4.3 Tied Contact | 79 |
5.4.4 Contact Combined with Material Erosion | 80 |
5.5 Potential Problems in Contact Modelling | 81 |
5.5.1 Penalty Method Contact | 81 |
5.5.2 Contact Stability | 83 |
5.5.3 Penetration Tracking | 84 |
6.0 Selection of Analysis Results | 87 |
6.1 Introduction | 87 |
6.2 Data Sampling Rates | 89 |
6.3 Energy Results | 91 |
6.4 Nodal Results | 92 |
6.5 Element Results | 92 |
7.0 Model Optimisation | 95 |
7.1 Maximising an Analysis Time Step | 96 |
7.1.1 Time Step Scaling | 96 |
7.1.2 Mass Scaling | 96 |
7.2 Minimising Computational Time per Time Step | 97 |
7.2.1 Mixed Time Integration | 98 |
7.2.2 Activation and Deactivation of Analysis Functionality | 101 |
7.2.3 Rigid and Deformable Material Switching | 101 |
7.2.4 Parallel Processing | 102 |
7.3 Restart File Usage | 103 |
7.4 Coupling to External Analysis Codes | 104 |
8.0 Mesh Adaptivity, Rezoning & Euler Solutions Seqs. | 105 |
8.1 Mesh Adaptivity | 105 |
8.2 Rezoning | 107 |
8.3 ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) Mesh Updating | 108 |
8.4 Euler Solution Sequence | 109 |
9.0 Concluding Remarks | 111 |
10.0 Bibliography | 113 |
11.0 References | 117 |
Appendix 1 Numerical Example of Wave Propagation |
Reference | R0085 |
Authors | Jacob. P Goulding. L |
Language | English |
Audience | Analyst |
Type | Publication |
Date | 1st January 2002 |
Region | Global |
Order Ref | R0085 Book |
Member Price | £22.50 | $28.82 | €26.95 |
Non-member Price | £105.00 | $134.48 | €125.75 |
Order Ref | R0085 Download |
Member Price | £22.50 | $28.82 | €26.95 |
Non-member Price | £105.00 | $134.48 | €125.75 |
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