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Assembly Benchmark Tests for 3D Beams & Shell Exhibiting Geometric Non-Linear Behaviour (Summary)

This document provides details of 10 benchmark tests for 3D Beam and Shell finite element assemblies exhibiting geometric non-linear behaviour. Each benchmark test is presented in summary, a full description is given in Ref 1. The work was commissioned by NAFEMS and undertaken by NNC Ltd under the direction of the Non-linear Working Group.

The object of the report is to provide details of a set of benchmark problems illustrating the major attributes of geometric non-linear behaviour which a finite element code may be required to deal with when solving ‘real life’ industrial problems. The structures are idealised using 3D beam and shell formulations.

Such structures are said to exhibit geometric non-linearity if their response to the loading is influenced by the changes in the geometry irrespective of the magnitude of the actual deformation or strain. The benchmarks presented here are however restricted to finite displacement, finite rotation and small strain behaviour. Large strain problems are specifically excluded.

A summary of the attributes of geometric non-linear behaviour covered by this set of problems is given. A brief description of each benchmark followed by a overview of the solutions is then presented.


The benchmarks
Description of benchmarks
Benchmark solutions
Finite element formulations

Document Details

AuthorsPrinja. N Clegg. R
Date 1st August 1993


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