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Active Torque Distribution for Multi-Track Vehicles to Stabilize the Lateral Dynamics

This paper was produced for the 2019 NAFEMS World Congress in Quebec Canada

Resource Abstract

Active torque control systems represent the state of the art in the automotive industry and have already established themselves there. The wheel-individual drive control brings with it the possibility to influence the driving dynamics and thus to increase driving safety. In this paper, based on a simplified multi-lane vehicle model, an active torque control is designed, by which the lateral driving dynamics can be influenced. The control system regulates the yaw rate of the vehicle via a wheel-individual control of the drive torques. This helps the system to increase driving safety, especially in highly dynamic driving situations. In addition, a virtual driver model is designed, which depicts the real behaviour of a cyclist. This is especially important for the stabilization of the bicycle. Finally, the designed controlers are examined on the basis of a highly dynamic scenario and their effects assessed qualitatively.

Document Details

AuthorDegen. R
Date 18th June 2019
OrganisationTechnische Hochschule Köln


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