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Enabling Rapid Electric Motor Design and Analysis

This paper was produced for the 2019 NAFEMS World Congress in Quebec Canada

Resource Abstract

Conventionally, the design of electric machines is done through analytic and FEA methods. Analytic methods are fast tailored solutions, whose accuracy depends on the formulation and extensive user experience. They are difficult to generalize to other topologies. FEA methods are the most accurate and free the user from the formulation. The problem reduces to posing the initial model, pre- and post-processing. The complexity increases with 3D models and coupling for multiphysics analysis. Leveraging the synergy of the 2D-FEA accuracy, and the fast nature of analytic methods, a generalizable method that cuts the pre- and post-processing time by automation, is possible. Hence, designers spend their time ensuring the design meets performance requirements, rather than model setup and post-processing. In addition, due to the dependency of the electric machine’s performance, permanent magnet materials and service life on temperature, any motor design method should include thermal analysis at a minimum. The design and electromagnetic and thermal analysis of a 130 kW traction motor for an electric tractor, similar to the John Deere SESAM 6R is used to demonstrate this dedicated generalizable methodology.

Document Details

AuthorWanjiku. J
Date 18th June 2019
OrganisationMentor Infolytica


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