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Motor and Gear NVH CAE Analysis for a Hybrid Transmission Development

This paper was produced for the 2019 NAFEMS World Congress in Quebec Canada

Resource Abstract

Tonal noise such as motor whine and gear whine is more prominent for an electric drive (e-drive) powertrain in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) or Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV). The source of the motor whine is the motor electromagnetic forces, whereas the gear whine originates mainly from gear transmission errors. Structural response of the powertrain to the excitations can result in excessive noise which can negatively affect customer satisfaction.

This paper presents CAE analyses on such noise of a HEV transmission for an e-drive powertrain NVH assessment and improvement. Predicted motor forces from ANSYS Maxwell electromagnetic analysis are applied for assessing airborne and structure borne noises of the transmission. Gear NVH attribute is investigated through advanced Romax modelling and analysis. The CAE analyses are conducted throughout the HEV transmission development to guide in design selections for NVH, assessments against targets, and necessary counter measures for NVH improvements. The CAE predictions are validated through the correlations to test data.

Document Details

AuthorFelice. M
Date 18th June 2019


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