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Extracting the Combined Benefits of 3D Finite Element Methods and System Simulation Using Dynamic Co-Simulation

This paper was produced for the 2019 NAFEMS World Congress in Quebec Canada

Resource Abstract

In this paper, we demonstrate a standardised methodology for setting up, executing and analysing the results of coupled simulations between different simulation tools and physical domains. At the core of this process are two key components: an intuitive “integration platform” that allows the engineer to perform all pre- and post-processing analyses in a coherent way; and a solver-agnostic coupling framework for dynamic co-simulation. In doing so, we have exploited the Modelica modelling language [1] and an industry-validated co-simulation standard (Functional Mock up Interface, or FMI [2]) to build an intuitive and robust framework for multi-domain modelling.

As a use case, we consider the simulation of a virtual human body model (VHBM) seated in a vehicle cabin under the effect of different manoeuvres. We explore the occupant kinematics during ride comfort simulations, taking into account a detailed deformable upholstery (modelled using finite element methods (FEM)) and vehicle body (modelled using system simulation, utilising Modelica). Control algorithms that model the (re)active effects of human muscles are fully realised using system modelling methods.

A comparison is made between two different variants of the VHBM: a detailed 3D mesh-based depiction and an articulated, system modelling representation. We show that these approaches are, in fact, complementary and cover different phases of the design and development cycle: the articulated model can be used to rapidly optimise cabin design parameters, while providing a faithful representation of the occupant; in the validation phase, the 3D counterpart allows us to assess in detail the chosen design.

This framework moves us closer to realising a full-product virtual prototype.

Document Details

AuthorCameron. M
Date 18th June 2019
OrganisationESI Group


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