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Models for Integration

This paper on "Models for Integration" was presented at the NAFEMS World Congress on Effective Engineering Analysis - 25-28 April 1999, Newport, Rhode Island, USA.


There is a realisation that effort is required in producing integrated software solutions in addition to that required for writing new software or developing existing software. To accomplish integration, issues of management, representation and sharing of information need to be understood and solved. In this paper we referred to software that enables integration as an Engineering Integration Platform (EIP). This paper describes what an information model is and aspects that need to be taken into account if the model is to be used in integration. The roles that an information model can play in an EIP are identified in relation to the services that an EIP would provide.

Document Details

AuthorsKorwaser. H Leal. D Porritt. D
Date 25th April 1999
OrganisationsData Space Associates Ltd CAESAR Systems


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