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A Map to Software Quality

This paper on "A Map to Software Quality" was presented at the 3rd International Conference on Quality Assurance and Standards in Finite Element Analysis - 10-12 September 1991, Stratford-upon-Avon, England.


An adaptation and application of software engineering standards and quality criteria to a general purpose finite element analysis product for structural analysis is examined for the benefit of those interested in and affected by software quality. This examination will provide a description of goals, principles, documentation and implementation of a logical, systematic and organized software development process as applied to a large scale engineering software tool. The process is purposefully designed for flexibility and adaptability which may be used for creation of new products or maintenance of existing products.
Using the software development process description is equivalent to following a road map during a software development cycle. Use of the process will provide increased confidence of achieving the planned objectives, i.e., satisfying the needs and expectations of the product users.

Document Details

AuthorBellinger. E
Date 10th October 1991


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