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Load Recovery of an Off-Highway Chassis Structure Using an FEM Augmented Component-Based Multi-Axis Load Transducer

The pseudo-inverse of the unit load strain response provides a methodology for determining dynamic loading in complex structures where traditional load transducers are not well suited. This paper presents this method applied to a lift-truck chassis structure using commercial software, and an associated physical correlation. A high-fidelity finite element representation of a chassis structure was constructed, and an inertia-relief unit load analysis was performed including 17 independent load inputs. Initial strain sensor locations were identified such to minimize multicollinearity and matrix condition number, and physical testing was performed. From the initial physical testing, load time histories were calculated and used to perform a linear superposition-based fatigue analysis from which candidate damage locations were identified. A final physical test was performed using the initial load reconstruction gauges as well as candidate damage locations, and a correlation activity was performed. Strain sensitivity correlation was performed at all sensor locations, indicating reasonable agreement between simulated and measured strain response. Additionally, simulated and physically measured strain-based damage comparisons were evaluated, and the simulation was found to predict physically measured damage within 95% prediction interval factor of ±0.33×log⁡(N). Finally, an uncertainty quantification is discussed for predicted loads based on observed errors in simulated strains. This methodology was found to provide strong correlation with physical testing when carefully applied and can feasibly be applied in the early development phase of product design to provide accurate durability assessments before physical prototypes are built.

Document Details

AuthorsHogg. J Weiss. S Beattie. W
Date 17th May 2023
OrganisationHyster-Yale Group, Inc.


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