15:30 - 16:10 ESTECO Products in the industry are reaching a very high level of complexity as they require to satisfy an increasing number of requirements. At the same time they require the usage of standardized components allowing the product to be used in multiple domains and applications, making the overall product innovative and still affordable. The multidisciplinary nature of those products doesn't allow development processes to be handled in silos anymore, but forces companies to have teams of experts collaborate with each other, ensuring a good understanding of the product performance at any time across the development phase. In this presentation, a special focus will be given to the ESTECO web based Simulation Process and Data Management (SPDM) platform, which enables a collaborative experience. People belonging to different teams can share models while keeping their ownership, allowing regular model updates and tracking those changes at any time within the development process. Within this process, collaboration is the key factor to use shared models, generate useful data and insights to allow the entire team to participate in the whole simulation process. A. Mugnai (ESTECO)