Does your IT spending align with your corporate goals? As worldwide IT investments are projected to continue to grow, it often ranks as one of the highest expenditures in an enterprise. Much of this is due to the complexity in managing IT assets, especially with the multitudes of software vendors and the increasing shift to cloud services. To maximize your IT budget, oversee them by tracking all IT systems to measure how often it is being used, detect duplication, and assess if any upgrades need to be made. Software is generally regarded as an?intangible?asset and their business value is hard for IT managers to quantify. A deeper understanding of the worth of an asset in comparison to the cost of an asset requires the right system of measurement from a large, unfiltered collection of data. Collecting and analyzing data about asset and user utilization is not about cost but maximizing the value of assets to your business. Metering and analyzing IT usage is the key to employing effective cost cutting measures. Without the proper analytics to accurately gauge active usage of its software investments,?organizations frequently resort to renewing their previous licensing contracts, resulting in a mismatch of purchases vs needs, leading to unproductivity, and not meeting business objectives. By utilizing usage data reports, IT leaders can plan their budgets with reliable forecasting of future costs. This provides a more structured?approach to cost management,?while also gaining more control and visibility in optimizing IT assets to serve the organization.? In this presentation, we?will be?sharing best practices for preventive and strategic methods?of?implementing a software optimization program. We will also demonstrate the results of this program with case study examples. Join us to learn how focusing on the right metrics can guide you to an understanding of the true value of your IT assets, leading to a successful alignment with corporate goals.