Over the years, the expansion of simulation as part of products' development and validation process has resulted in an increase in simulation data to be stored. This has created the need to appropriately match the simulation data with the input data that is consumed to produce it. To bring the product to market in a shorter timeframe, each iteration loop results in an evolution of the product's definition which should bring it closer to the desired end result. Having an overview of simulation results evolution over time has become an important asset in order to minimize the risk of regression in product performance. While large organizations can afford Advanced Simulation Process and Data Management (SPDM) solutions, these can be expensive to customize and deploy due to the diversity of inputs, simulation tools, and outputs, as well as business processes that need to be taken into consideration. Giving due attention on Simulation Data Management (SDM) can improve the business plan by accounting for simulation data needs and improved focus on the key topics for success: ? Diversity & Variety Management ? Traceability and Reuse ? Results vs. Requirements over time ? Storing and Transferring Files vs. Metadata Companies can reap the benefits of reusing existing simulations to reduce development cycles, justify manufacturing non-conformities and ensure traceability and compliance among others, by focusing on ?Data? instead ?Process and Data?. This first step in the SPDM Journey provides a high benefit to effort ratio. In addition, having a reliable SDM by standardizing simulation inputs and outputs is pivotal in establishing a reliable ?Simulation as a Service? sector in the company. In this presentation, we will cover Use Cases from our experience in Simulation Management with our clients in the Aerospace, Communications, and Automotive industry sectors, from both business and IT implementation perspectives. In addition, we will share best practices what we believe are the best practices for mid-size organizations.