This presentation illustrates an approach for establishing simulation-based development processes for software-driven functions by using CI/CD methods for virtual prototype (VP) fleets, symbiotically supporting physical prototypes. The central management of VPs from a lifecycle perspective and ensuring validity and quality are obstacles to overcome. This work demonstrates methods and tools to build an infrastructure for VPs, enabling an agile and efficient development process. The automotive industry is currently implementing the infrastructure required to increase development efficiency: Functional data (i.e., non-geometric data, NGD) and its management are in focus. These data describe attributes, characteristics or the function of components up to complete systems. For a solution that provides centralized and intuitive access to NGD from all R&D divisions, data from different CAE tools and measurements must be combined, saved, quality-tested and exchanged. Integrating existing databases simplifies the workflow and allows visualizing, downloading and searching data. Standardized metadata enable clear labeling and access to structured data, which leads to an overview of all NGD at any time during vehicle development. Achieved improvements, even using different simulation environments, become traceable and quantifiable due to the single data source. This allows the buildup and use of VP fleets enabling cross-domain cooperation regarding full vehicle testing. The collaboration of engineers from all development stages enables continuous improvement of vehicle models. VPs are used to test the latest status of ECU software with relevant vehicle variants overnight, allowing for automated testing and evaluation against quantifiable criteria. AI-driven methods support the correlation of VPs with real measurement data, thereby building broader engineer-level confidence in simulation. Combined with a unified environment, VPs can be used throughout the complete vehicle lifecycle up to validation and support (OTA) in the field. Publications: Kowalski, K.; Stehle, J.: Industrialization of the CarMaker suspension model parameterization and validation processes. In: ATZ 123 (2021), no. 1, p. 62-66 Schaffnit, J.; Holzmann, H.; Lauer, J.; Klemmer, J.: Efficient and sustainable management of vehicle models. In: ATZ 119 (2017), no. 4, p. 42-46 Niederbrucker, G.; Pfaff, A.; Donn, C.; Kochem, M.: Clouds Ahead ? The Transformation of Vehicle Development and Data Management Processes, ATZ Automatisiertes Fahren, 2020