The laboratory of the Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. located at the ZalaZONE proving gound has the goal to test and develop Automated Driving and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems applications applying a Driver-in-the-Loop Simulator. In both topics we perform simulations and support the preparations of physical tests, further on we have our research and development topics. In our recent study we focus on to identify bottlenecks of the trending collision avoidance technology, which is one of the fastest growing ADAS feature field. Nowadays we have many different ADAS solutions which are working well on their own. Our main task now is to develop an intelligent autonomous driving algorythm for vehicles which is able to choose the best option in a critical situation to avoid a possible accident or at least mitigate damages. For this it is really important to have the right informations of the vehicle just like vehicle acceleration or wheel speed. We have to define the last segment of the trajectory where the vehicle still has a chance to make its decision about the best maneuver. For the investigations we choose two ADAS solutions, an Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) system as well as an Emergency Steering Assist (ESA) system and our intention is to combine their operation. In a critical situation the boundary conditions are changing constantly in every miliseconds. The investigated situation is a standard motorway case, where the Vehicle-under-Test (VUT) is following the Global Vehicle Target (GVT), with the minimal sufficient tracking distance. We investigate this scenario where the GVT starts an emergency braking and this triggers the VUT to do the same. This maneuver generates a critical situation where we investigate the VUT?s opportunities beneath different environmental factors. First we will decrease the coefficient of friction of the road surface what will result the increase of the braking distance. This way applying only emergency braking will become inadequate the avoid the collision and the VUT has to be moved in lateral direction, too. For these scenarios we are using automotive simulation software where we can implement and simulate different sensors on the vehicle and we can test them effectively applying different parameter sets.