Validation and certification of vehicle tend to be extended to numerous situations, in a way to ensure the robustness of critical performances as safety, fuel consumption or autonomy for electrical vehicle. The diversity of vehicle (engine, chassis, various options) must be checked to ensure a good Representative of evaluation for all individual vehicle. The scope of this kind of validation plan become huge. The classical way using testing on proving ground or driving on open road become not adapted regarding cost and time. So, simulation is introduced to be combined with testing activities To perform an efficient validation plan, the fidelity of models of vehicle need to be controlled to ensure a high level, roughly equivalent to testing results. A vehicle is an assembly of many parts and complex sub-systems: powertrain, ADAS systems, thermal management, ? These subsystems are made of mechanical parts and controllers with exchanges of information between them. The architecture is complex in a sense that many connections have to be taken into account to provide a realistic description of the vehicle. At the same time, many teams are involved in the development of each system. Developing a model at high level of fidelity request a new organization of the activities of modeling. First, a new actor must be introduced: ?simulation architect?. He will be responsible of defining the needs of simulation, designing the model of the vehicle and sending requests of models for all the parts and systems. He will used new methods and tools for developing the models of the vehicle by transformation of the initial model defined in the tools of MBSE. Metamodel like Model Identity Cars (MIC) will ease the communication with model providers. This is very important to ensure delivery of elementary models at the right time and with the right level of fidelity.