Consumer electronic devices are becoming extremely complex, performing a myriad of functions for users. The development of these devices requires evaluation of a variety of components, materials, and geometries within each variant. Using a digital twin of a representative modern Smartphone, we will demonstrate how physics based simulation can be used to accelerate structural performance validation. Potential benefits are improved reliability and customer perception of quality as well as reduced warranty costs. . Use of the digital twin enables simulation driven design earlier in the cycle allowing for the rapid investigation of design alternatives using a DOE (Design of Experiments) approach. This approach results in reduction or elimination of costly and time-consuming physical testing. To ensure the device meets or exceeds functional specifications under a variety of adverse conditions and manufacturing variability, MBSE platform based simulations demonstrating the following workflows are presented. Stresses and forces induced during the manufacturing and assembly processes of the mobile device are evaluated for use in subsequent device simulations. Inclusion of these pre-stresses is essential for accurate simulation of device structural behavior in subsequent simulations. Sealing of the device against the incursion of water is analyzed to ensure compliance with specified IP ratings. The final workflow considered is the drop test simulation, to evaluate the capacity of the device to withstand the shock of dropping in multiple orientations on to a hard surface. In addition to the single drop simulation, results from previous drop simulations can be used as the starting point for further drop simulations accounting for damage accumulation in the device. The digital twin enables efficient collaboration between designers and engineers with a model-based approach. Multidisciplinary simulations are simplified by leveraging the integrated design and simulation platform environment for efficient management of product variants and relationships to simulation models and results. An example of this multidisciplinary collaboration between an antenna and a structural engineer will be included for illustrative purposes.