In todays simulation environments a number of framework conditions dominate the process of setting up a simulation model. For most FE solver codes ?Best Practice? guidelines exist, that are recommended to observe in order to guarantee valid results. These guidelines differ between the solver codes, especially when it comes to numerical aspects. For complex und highly structured simulation models, which occur quite often in the automotive industry, additional modelling guidelines apply. Simulation experts from OEMs or suppliers are usually responsible to keep them in the state of the art. Within a company, these guidelines may vary, depending on the division of the company, the engineering discipline and the considered assembly group. The manual effort to meet all guidelines and standards, which apply for a specific simulation, is quite high. Therefore, this task is time consuming, complicated and prone to errors at times. Special effort is needed, when a simulation model is created for a specific task, and subsequently used for different problems. Usually the modellings guidelines will differ between different engineering tasks. Therefore, additional manual work is needed. The automated consideration of all applying modelling guidelines greatly enhances the current workflow of most development departments. In the planned presentation, a new approach is shown to store, access and consider modelling guidelines in simulation environments. The key feature of the process is a hierarchical database that contains different levels of modelling standards and guidelines which are readable for humans and machines just as well. A special benefit is drawn when it comes to multidisciplinary engineering environments. The automated consideration of modellings guidelines is an enabler for interoperability between subsequent simulation tasks. The methodology to set up and automatically consider the complete and correct set of modelling standards in SPDM environments is shown. The challange to keep a balance between strict quality assurance and avoiding limititations for simulation engineers is discussed and resolved. The corresponding workflow is illustrated with different examples. Advantages and constraints are going to be discussed.