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TE's 5 year Simulation Strategy to Reduce Time to Market and Cost


The presentation will discuss the vision and goals behind TE's global 5 year strategy for simulation and the elements we are considering including Headcount, Training, Cloud Simulation, Investments in Artificial Intelligence and other Software, Material Testing, Partnering with Universities, Software Vendors etc.. In general TE's strategy is based on 3 pillars: 1) Scale Agile Simulation/Democratization of Simulation 2) Advance Expert Product Perfomance as well as Process Simulation 3) Differentiate ourselves by providing online simulation tools for customers Related to Agile simulation, the presentation will show how the overall program that is touching hundreds of engineers is designed, whcih tools are used, how success is measured and the progress we have made so far. For Expert Simulation we will discuss the process on how our Roadmap was put together and we will introduce the Roadmap itself with a few selected examples. We will also discuss what measures are taken to improve prediction accuracy of our simulations and how Digital Twins are build to calibrate and align our models to reality. In terms of differentation we will introduce Simulation Apps that we provide to our customers. The first app that will be discussed helps our customers to better understand thermal behaviour of our products regarding load current and ambient temperature. The second app allows customers to check signal integrity of High Speed Data Links for Automotive Applications including geometrical tolerances, material variations and environmental effects. We will also touch on projects like generative design, expalin where we are using this technology and which influence this will have on simulation in the future. As our 5 year strategy is also an organizational change management effort we will discuss how we are adresing this as well. Last but not least we will talk about the Key Perfomormance Indicators that we will monitor as lead measure to improve Time to Market and reduce overall cost.

Document Details

AuthorBrück. H
Date 27th October 2021
OrganisationTE Connectivity Germany GmbH


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