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Trap Optimisation Using FEA Mechanical Event Simulation

This paper on "Trap Optimisation Using FEA Mechanical Event Simulation" was presented at the NAFEMS World Congress on The Evolution of Product Simulation From Established Methods to Virtual Testing & Prototyping - 24-28 April 2001, The Grand Hotel, Lake Como, Italy.


The Alberta Research Council has been involved in the development of statistical computer models, which evaluate the effectiveness of animal traps. These models use the clamping force and velocity generated by the trap to evaluate if the trap meets the requirements of the Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards. A trap optimisation program was also initiated to predict the effects of trap modifications and aid manufacturers in prototype development. Two-dimensional finite element analysis within Algor's Mechanical Event Simulation format was used to model the traps and predict the clamping forces and velocities generated. Accurate predictions of these values, relatively short solution times and the ability to easily modify the virtual prototypes have resulted from the finite element analysis modeling procedures used.

Document Details

AuthorJenson. E
Date 24th April 2001
OrganisationAlberta Research Council


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