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How to Build and Manage Simulation Engineer Competency

With the advent of more powerful computers, the application of computational mechanics has gained widespread acceptance in engineering companies involved in the design and analysis of engineering components and structures. There are many commercially available computer codes which run on a wide range of computer hardware to analyse the behaviour of a structure or a component under various loading conditions. It is not the computers that solve engineering problems though. A typical problem is formulated into a mathematical model which is run by computers and the solution must be subjected to an engineering appraisal; hence, the need to have a professional simulation engineer to perform such a design and analysis process. This publication highlights the issues related to the process of establishing competency in simulation engineering.


1. Introduction1
2. Definition of Competency3
3. Need for Competency5
4. Industry Sectors Requiring Competency Management7
5. Levels of Competency9
6. Areas of Competency11
7. Steps to Building Competency13
8. Competency Register15
9. Competency Management Process17
10. Advantages of a Competency Management Process23
11. Examples of Competency Framework25
12. References27
13. NAFEMS PSE Competencies Covered In This Publication29

Document Details

AuthorPrinja. N
Date 1st November 2019


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