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How To Perform Linear Dynamics Analysis

This book is a continuation of the “How to ...” and “Why to ...” set of booklets published by NAFEMS, designed to guide both new and experienced analysts in a range of problem types. These booklets are written to introduce various analysis methodologies to both engineering managers and engineers, in a straightforward and informed manner. They are complemented by more detailed publications from NAFEMS, for example, “Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis through Illustrative Benchmarks” and “A Finite Element Primer”.

This book aims to provide guidance on the usage of commercially available finite element analysis tools for the solution of practical problems. The emphasis is on error free and effective usage of these ready-to-use programs.

The intended readership includes all practicing analysts although the book is written with the fresh graduate engineer in mind. The author expects that a new practitioner will attain sufficient knowledge to independently carry out analysis of challenging problems after fully understanding the example problems.

This book is complementary to an important earlier NAFEMS publication, namely “A Dynamics Primer” by Dennis Hitchings.


Introduction and Background to FEA1
Introduction to Dynamics3
Introduction to Equation of Motion19
Practical Natural Frequency Analysis49
Rigid Body Modes55
Importance of Mass Modeling61
Accurate Idealization67
Quality Assurance for Normal Modes Analysis75
A Modal Based Approach85
Forcing Functions – Response Analysis113
Transient Response Analysis127
Frequency Response Analysis159
Abbreviations and Acronyms185
Appendix A: Modal Effective Mass187
NAFEMS PSE Competencies Covered in This Publication191

Document Details

AuthorAbbey. T
AudiencesAnalyst Educator Student
Date 15th August 2018


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