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How To Use Beam Plate & Shell Elements

The main purpose of this book is to describe the essentials of how beam, plate and shell elements work and perform in actual use. An important theme is how they offer an efficient alternative compared to using 3D continuum elements, which are nowadays readily generated from modern CAD packages, often in large numbers.

Emphasis is placed on the more commonly used elements from these families, and which are available in commercial software. Many finite element users today do not have the opportunity to learn much of the underlining theory, which often inhibits their instincts into how well these elements perform, and how suitable meshes of these elements should be designed. This booklet is intended to fill in these gaps concerning the practicalities, but in order to economise on both complexity and volume, theoretical aspects are kept to a minimum.

The discussions and presentation of finite element theory involved are aimed at the level of the graduate in engineering or a related discipline, who is one year into a professional engineering career, but with a wide audience of practising and potential finite element users also in mind. Some basic knowledge of the finite element method is assumed.


2Scope of Use of Beam, Plate and Shell Elements
2.2Basic Beam Theory
2.2.1Definition of Beams
2.2.2Generalised Displacements and Forces
2.2.3Constitutive Relations
2.3Basic Plate Theory
2.3.1Definition of Plates
2.3.2Stresses and Moments
2.3.3Displacement Assumptions
2.3.4Constitutive Relations
2.3.5Degrees of Freedom and Elastic Strain Energy
2.4Basic Shell Theory
2.4.1Definition of Shells
3General Description of Beam, Plate and Shell Element Families
3.2Beam Elements
3.2.1Geometric Considerations
3.2.2Stiffness Matrices for Beam Elements
3.2.3Boundary Conditions and Loading for Beam Elements
3.2.5Description of Some Important Beam Properties
3.3Plate Elements
3.3.1Stiffness Matrices for Plate Elements
3.3.2Boundary Conditions and Loading for Plate Elements
3.3.3Results Extraction for Plate Elements
3.3.4Thin Plate Elements
3.3.5Thick Plate Elements
3.3.6Discrete Kirchhoff Elements
3.3.7The Heterosis Element
3.4Shell Elements
3.5Shell Element Families
3.5.1Flat Facet Shell Elements
3.5.2Doubly Curved Triangular and Quadrilateral Shells
3.5.3Isoparametric Shell Elements
3.5.4Continuum Shell Elements
3.5.5Shells of Revolution
4Element Types Available in Practice
4.2Beam Elements
4.2.1Two Noded Beams
4.2.2The Albuquerque Semiloof Beam Element
4.3Plate Elements
4.4Shell Elements
4.4.1Three Noded Facet Shell Elements
4.4.2Doubly Curved Triangular and Quadrilateral Shells
4.4.3Isoparametric Shell Elements
4.4.4The Semiloof Thin Shell Element
4.4.5Continuum Shell Elements
4.4.6Shells of Revolution
5Modelling Issues
5.2When to Use Beams and Shells
5.3Sufficiency of Structure to be Analysed
5.4Detailed Mesh Considerations
5.4.1Definition of Normals
5.4.2Section Properties and Offsets
5.4.3Corners and Junctions
5.4.4Joining Different Types of Elements
6Examples of Use
6.2Benchmark Tests
6.3Analysis of Welds
6.4Analysis of Bridges
6.5Analysis of Road Safety Barriers
6.6Reinforcements for very Thin Torispherical Pressure Vessels
7Concluding Remarks

Document Details

AuthorHellen. T
Date 1st January 2006


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