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How To Choose A Finite Element Pre- And Post-Processor

Due to the evolving nature of the engineering analysis and simulation market this publication no longer represents current best practice and has been archived. The document may be of historical interest and is therefore still available for purchase.

The analysis of an engineering problem requires the formulation and solution of the governing equations for the behaviour of the structure under the applied loading conditions. In many cases, particularly when the geometry or loading is complex, the system is most readily analyses using the Finite Element method, as described in the book ‘Why do Finite Element Analysis? ’. The development of Finite Element Analysis software has progressed along three separate but closely-related paths. The essential core software that solves the mathematical problem is supported at the data-preparation stage by a pre-processing program and at the results presentation and interpretation stage by a post-processing program. The primary function of a pre-processor is to facilitate the creation of a finite element model simulating the structure or component, its loading and its supports. The primary function of a post-processor is to present the results of a finite element analysis in a form that is readily understood by the engineer, and ultimately by his managers or clients.

The purpose of this book is to describe the roles of the pre and post-processors in the analysis of engineering structures, to indicate the breadth of facilities that might be offered by commercially-available programs, and to guide the user in the evaluation of the capability of the programs to his engineering analysis requirements.


Operating Environment
Package Selection
Integrated Software

Document Details

AuthorsBaguley. D Hose. D
AudiencesAnalyst Manager
Date 1st January 1994


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