Basic Electromagnetic FEA
This course will help you to understand basic electromagnetic equations, to master their solution using the Finite Element Method, and to properly interpret and use the results.
The course starts with fundamental topics such as electric field, magnetic field, electric scalar potential, and magnetic vector potential.
It then guides you through Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) of the introduced scalar and vector fields describing different electromagnetic problems of practical relevance, namely, electrostatics, magnetostatics, eddy current, displacement current, and wave propagation.
Finally, the course demonstrates the best modelling and simulation FEM practice through numerous practical examples.
At the end of the course, several advanced topics will be discussed such as field discontinuities and singularities, material nonlinearities, computational domain size, convergence studies, and CAD considerations.
Who should attend?
Designers and engineers who have some familiarity with electromagnetic analysis or those who are experts on some other simulations and are looking to extend their knowledge to electromagnetics.
What will you learn?
The main goals of this course are:
- to convey to designers and engineers the necessary theoretical background of electromagnetic simulations;
- to demonstrate an efficient path from the theory to practical simulation models;
- to train the participants to critically asses and properly use the obtained results; and
- to help the participants to gain confidence in their simulation models and their capability to understand and use EM field simulations in daily design.
The cornerstones of the course are:
- Electromagnetic fields and their mathematical description (partial differential equations and boundary conditions).
- Finite Element Method for electromagnetics in 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D.
- Practical applications (electrostatics, magnetostatics, eddy currents, displacement currents, and Electromagnetic wave propagation).
- Advanced concepts (field discontinuities and singularities, material nonlinearities, air box size, convergence studies, and CAD considerations).
The background to each topic is presented and a set of practical hints and tips is provided. The methodologies used to set up the analyses and to understand the implications of the results are fully explored.