Volume 8, January 2009
ISSN 1462-236X
Rüdiger, F., Leonhard, A., Wustmann, W. und Helduser, S.
Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Fluidtechnik, 01062 Dresden, Germany
Keywords: Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Valve, Hydrostatic Pump, Mesh Adaptation, Moving and Deforming Mesh, and Cavitation
Hydraulic and pneumatic valves and hydrostatic pumps are key-components of fluid power drive and control systems. Due to their inherent transient operating conditions and the moving devices included they are posing challenges for numerical simulation. Unsteady fluid flow, moving and deforming flow domain and strong nonlinearities caused by physical phenomenon like aeration and cavitation in hydraulics and shock waves in pneumatics are some of them. Another aspect of increasing importance in design of fluid power components is the need of reduced pulsation and noise emission. Special aspects for CFD in hydraulics and pneumatics therefore are
On the basis typical products – a pneumatic pressure control valve, a hydraulic proportional valve and an external gear pump – the capability of modern commercial CFD-codes will be illustrated. The results show the ability of CFD tools for design and engineering in fluid power industry.
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Rüdiger, F., Leonhard, A., Wustmann, W., Helduser, S., Analysis of unsteady fluid flow inside fluid power components – a challenge to CFD-simulation, NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 8, 2009, Pages 29-37, https://doi.org/10.59972/nafcbany
Reference | CFDJ8-3 |
Authors | Rüdiger. F Leonhard. A Wustmann. W Helduser. S |
Language | English |
Type | Journal Article |
Date | 10th January 2009 |
Organisation | Technische Universität Dresden |
Order Ref | CFDJ8-3 Download |
Non-member Price | £5.00 | $6.41 | €5.99 |
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