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Simulation of Flows With Free Surfaces

NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies

Volume 7, January 2008

ISSN 1462-236X

Simulation of Flows With Free Surfaces

S Muzaferija and M Perić
CD-adapco, Nürnberg Office, Germany

Keywords: Free-Surface Flows, Interface-Capturing, Interface-Tracking, Complex Geometry



Flows with free surfaces are often encountered in engineering and environment, in many variations. In this manuscript we present the state-of-the-art in simulating flows with free surfaces in complex geometries. The two major groups of methods for computing free surface flows – interface-tracking and interface-capturing – are briefly described. The emphasis is on presenting the advantages and disadvantages of each class with respect to particular application areas, ranging from the micro-scale (droplet and jets) to large-scale flows (ocean waves). Results from selected applications are used to demonstrate the quality of obtainable solutions.


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Cite this paper

S Muzaferija, M Perić, Simulation of Flows With Free Surfaces, NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 7, 2008, Pages 33-45,

Document Details

AuthorsMuzaferija. S Peri. M
TypeJournal Article
Date 8th January 2008


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