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A Validation Strategy For The CFD Modelling Of Coal-Fired Equipment

NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies

Volume 4, January 2004

ISSN 1462-236X

A Validation Strategy For The CFD Modelling Of Coal-Fired Equipment

A. S. Green and M. L. Waite
Department of Mechanical and Design Engineering, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth PO1 3DJ

Keywords: Validation, CFD Modelling, Coal-Fired Equipment, Pollution and Design Modifications


Purpose of Analysis

The chain-grate stoker is a well-established lump coal firing method for furnaces. Its current use for coal in the UK and USA is limited to old plant but is extensive in Eastern Europe, India and China. Problems associated with its use stem from gaseous and fly ash pollution. The mathematical modelling of such a system was undertaken as part of an initiative funded by European Coal and Steel Consortium. The objective was to produce a model suitable for use by, e.g. plant manufacturers, to show the effect of design modifications. This would be especially for efficiency improvement and pollution reduction. The main experimental work was carried out using the chain grate stoker rig facilities of CRE, Cheltenham...


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[4] GAMBIT Modelling Guide, Fluent Inc., 1998

[5] FLUENT 5 User’s Guide, Fluent Inc., 1998

Cite this paper

A. S. Green, M. L. Waite, A Validation Strategy For The CFD Modelling Of Coal-Fired Equipment, NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 4, 2004, Pages 51-62,

Document Details

AuthorsGreen. A Waite. M
TypeJournal Article
Date 5th January 2004
OrganisationUniversity of Portsmouth


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