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The Application and Validation of a CFD Analysis to Simulate the Flow into a Helicopter Engine Intake

NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies

Volume 4, January 2004

ISSN 1462-236X

The Application and Validation of a CFD Analysis to Simulate the Flow into a Helicopter Engine Intake

A de Souza
Pall Aerospace, Pall Europe Limited, Europa House, Havant Street, Portsmouth, PO1 3PD

Keywords: Application, Validation, CFD Analysis, Flow, Engine Intake, Helicopter and Simulation



The simulation of flow through engine air particle separators (EAPS) into helicopter intakes is a good design application for CFD analysis. The series of simulations presented here were carried out during the design stage of the project to provide confidence in operational parameters and reduce risk. Although for certification reasons testing was required before final design approval, the use of CFD enabled the flow parameters to be verified and confidence gained in the design prior to testing. The simulations also provided useful data on the operation of the EAPS that is costly to obtain from testing alone. The subsequent testing provided valuable data for validating the CFD simulations.

Cite this paper

A de Souza, The Application and Validation of a CFD Analysis to Simulate the Flow into a Helicopter Engine Intake, NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 4, 2004, Pages 7-13,

Document Details

Authorde Souza. A
TypeJournal Article
Date 5th January 2004
OrganisationPall Aerospace


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