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Numerical Study On Design Parameters Of A Channel With Offset Plates Heated By Radiation, Based On Maximum Forced Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient And Minimum Friction Factor

NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies

Volume 2, February 2000

ISSN 1462-236X

Numerical Study on Design Parameters of a Channel with Offset Plates Heated by Radiation, Based on Maximum Forced Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient and Minimum Friction Factor

A. H. H. Ali
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Assiut 71516, EGYPT

Keywords: CFD, Numerical, Offset Plates, Radiation Heating, Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient and Minimum Friction Factor


Purpose of Analysis

The present numerical analysis will deal with the laminar flow forced-convection heat transfer characteristics of air flowing through a channel with offset plates. Particularly, when this configuration is neither subjected to constant heat flux or having isothermal condition but mainly heated by radiation heat flux. The application of this design can be utilized in air heater solar collectors and/ or combined photovoltaic and air heater solar collector systems.


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Cite this paper

A. H. H. Ali, Numerical Study on Design Parameters of a Channel with Offset Plates Heated by Radiation, Based on Maximum Forced Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient and Minimum Friction Factor, NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 2, 2000, Pages 69-101,

Document Details

AuthorAli. A
TypeJournal Article
Date 1st February 2000
OrganisationAssiut University


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