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The Use of Mesh-Free Methods in System CFD to Model Multi- Component Transient Duct and Pipe Flows

NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies

Volume 13, September 2023

ISSN 1462-236X
ISBN 978-1-83979-059-1

The Use of Mesh-Free Methods in System CFD to Model Multi- Component Transient Duct and Pipe Flows

Dr D Hunt, Dr R Drury, Dr Z. Pan
Siemens Digital Industries Software, UK

Keywords: CFD, Particle methods, Meshless Methods, System Simulation


This paper demonstrates a new approach to modelling pipe and duct flows within a System CFD framework in which “particles” in the flow are tracked and 1D-flow equations are solved in the fluid reference fame. This approach can be used to model a variety of physical scenarios that are not possible using traditional system CFD approaches including: Batched slurry flows; Oscillating column in a cavitating vertical pipe; and Pipette flows.


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Cite this paper

D. Hunt, R. Drury, Z. Pan, The Use of Mesh-Free Methods in System CFD to Model Multi- Component Transient Duct and Pipe Flows, NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 13, 2023, Pages 1-14,


Document Details

AuthorsHunt. D Pan. Z Drury. R
TypeJournal Article
Date 31st August 2023
OrganisationSiemens Digital Industries Software


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