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A Study of Aerothermal Loads in the Presence of Edney Type IV Interaction

NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies

Volume 12, February 2020

ISSN 1462-236X
ISBN 978-1-910643-94-5

A Study of Aerothermal Loads in the Presence of Edney Type IV Interaction

Dr. Leonid Gurov1, Dr. Andrey Ivanov1
1Mentor Graphics, Mechanical Analysis Division

Keywords: supersonic and hypersonic flow, shocks interaction, CFD, numerical modelling, FloEFD, thermal load


simulation results of specific supersonic and hypersonic flows interactions leading to complex shocks structures are presented in the paper. These interactions can produce abnormal thermal loads that should be taken into account for Thermal Protection System design for hypersonic vehicles. Calculations were made with the aid of CAD-Embedded CFD software FloEFD. To validate the CFD code in this field a study of shock/shock interaction near 2D cylinder has been carried out. Good agreement with experimental data in terms of shock structure, surface pressure and surface heat flux distributions was obtained. To demonstrate how these shocks interactions effects can affect in case of a real 3D complex hypersonic vehicle a 3D study of interaction between the Space Shuttle Orbiter bow shock and External Tank bow shock under certain flow regime has been carried out. Comparison with the data obtained in the simulation of the ‘single Orbiter’ flow showed a small-scale zone on Orbiter nose with considerably increased peak pressure and heat flux values due shock/shock interaction.


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[4] Mentor Graphics Corporation (2016), FloEFD Technical reference, 2016.

[5] The largest online community of professional designers, engineers, manufacturers, and students., GRABCAD. (accessed Mar. 10, 2020).

Cite this paper

Leonid Gurov, Andrey Ivanov, A Study of Aerothermal Loads in the Presence of Edney Type IV Interaction, NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 12, 2020, Pages 21-33,

Document Details

AuthorGurov. L.Ivanov. A
TypeJournal Article
Date 2nd February 2020
OrganisationMentor Graphics


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