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Pressure Fluctuations in Railway Tunnels

NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies

Volume 12, February 2020

ISSN 1462-236X
ISBN 978-1-910643-94-5

Pressure Fluctuations in Railway Tunnels

Rodríguez1, Luis Lacoma1 and Joaquín Martí1

Keywords: Compressible Flow, Pressure Wave, Numerical Simulation, Railway, Tunnel



When high-speed trains enter and exit tunnels, major pressure transients are produced, which travel in the form of waves along the tunnel and are reflected at the portals. Guidelines and regulations limit the pressure changes felt inside the cars to ensure the health and aural comfort of the passengers. The authors developed a one-dimensional program, based on the method of characteristics, to carry out the necessary calculations. After validating the program against results from other codes, including full 3-D CFD calculations, they used it to confirm the design of a tunnel for high-speed rail traffic.


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Cite this paper

Javier Rodríguez, Luis Lacoma, Joaquín Martí, Pressure Fluctuations in Railway Tunnels, NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 12, 2020, Pages 5-19,


Document Details

AuthorsRodríguez. J Lacoma. L Martí. J
TypeJournal Article
Date 2nd February 2020


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