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International Journal of CFD Case Studies - Volume 12

NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies

Volume 12, February 2020

ISSN 1462-236X
ISBN 978-1-910643-94-5

This issue of the International Journal of CFD Case Studies consists of six outstanding case studies across a wide range of application areas and utilising different simulation methodologies, including an investigation of pressure fluctuations in railway tunnels, fluid-structure interaction of a tidal device and the application of Lattice-Boltzmann to engine performance.


Pressure Fluctuations in Railway Tunnels

Javier Rodríguez1, Luis Lacoma1 and Joaquín Martí1

pp. 5-19

A Study of Aerothermal Loads in the Presence of Edney Type IV Interaction

Dr. Leonid Gurov1, Dr. Andrey Ivanov1
1Mentor Graphics, Mechanical Analysis Division

pp. 21-33

Fluid-Structure Interation of a Rigid Wing for Minesto Deep Green, a Tidal Energy Device

Daniel Hung1, Anthony Mosquera1
1Applied Computing & Engineering Limited

pp. 35-48

Numerical and Experimental Stability Analysis Predicting Natural Laminar Flow Extension on a Realistic Swept Wing

Dr. D. de Rosa1, Dr. R. S. Donelli1, D. G. Romano2
1Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali (CIRA), Italy, 2Piaggio Aero Industries S.p.A., Italy

pp. 49-63

Design and Verification of Tuned Liquid Column Dampers for High-rise Buildings Using CFD

F. Campos1, Dr. E. de Villiers1, S. Cammelli2
2BMT Fluid Mechanics Ltd., UK

pp. 65-77

CFD analysis of a check valve from SAFRAN Helicopter Engines using a Lattice-Boltzmann solution

Zaki Abiza1, David Holman1, David Taieb2, Marine Robin2
1Dassault Systemes, Madrid, Spain, 2SAFRAN Helicopter Engines, Buchelay, France

pp. 79-98

Further Details

Each of these case studies has been reviewed by members of the CFD working group to ensure that the paper includes:

  • A full description of the industrial relevance of the case study and why it has been performed;
  • A full description of related experimental or analytical data, together with statements as to their quality and accuracy;
  • A description of the CFD model which allows the interested reader to fully appreciate how it simulates the given industrial case;
  • The CFD model is detailed covering the flow physics, geometry, meshing, boundary conditions, fluid properties and the solving processes;
  • A set of results are presented and discussed to facilitate the reader’s appreciation that the work has been performed well and to a high standard.

Any Journal is only as good as the papers it publishes, so the Journal needs contributors who see the importance and benefit of having their work published and used by fellow engineers. Engineers are by nature supportive of colleagues, and authoring a case study paper for the Journal gives senior engineers an opportunity to pass on their hard won knowledge and experience, and in some sense “set the standard” of practice in the field. The Journal publishes CFD case study papers, i.e. investigations, simulations and validation exercises in accordance with CFD best practice guidelines. Original papers covering either traditional CFD, multi-phase flows, combustion and topics such as parallel computing, immersed boundary methods, DNS, LES, FSI, LBM, DEM, etc. are welcomed, book reviews and letters to the Editor are also acceptable.

Potential contributors are welcome to contact the editor, Professor Don McGlinchey at to discuss any aspect of the Journal and the process, from authoring to review to publication. Further details are available here.

Document Details

AuthorMcGlinchey. D
AudiencesAnalyst Educator Student
Date 1st February 2020
OrganisationNAFEMS CFD Working Group


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