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Numerical Basis and Validation of CAD-Centric CFD: Honeycomb Heatsink Study

NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies

Volume 11, April 2016

ISSN 1462-236X

Numerical Basis and Validation of CAD-Centric CFD: Honeycomb Heatsink Study

T Mikjaniec1, P Blais1 and J Parry1
1Mentor Graphics Corporation, Wilsonville, OR, USA

Keywords: Numerical Basis, Numerical Validation, CAD-Centric and Heatsink



In a study by Ma et al. (2010), an innovative honeycomb heatsink design for an LED lightingsystem was analysed using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and experimentation. The previous simulation results were replicated using an immersed boundary approach, validating the code against that used in the earlier study.
When we looked critically at the images of the experiment in Ma et al. (2010), we noted some discrepancies between the simulation model and the experimental setup. Although the experimental setup was not fully described, we were able to identify a number of issues and make near-exact estimates of the dimensions and other values needed to include their effects in the simulation. The resulting simulation matched the test data very well.
In this paper, we present the rationale for applying a different approach that is commonly used in electronics thermal design. We also describe the different aspects of the alternative CFD technology used, as these will not be familiar to most readers, to describe how it can handle fluid flow and heat transfer within complex geometries without simplification. These benefits are illustrated using the honeycomb heatsink example.


Ma, H.K. Chen, B.R. Lan, H.W. and Chao, Y. (2010) Study of a LED device with a honeycomb heat sink, 26th IEEE Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium (SEMI-THERM), pp. 289-298.

Aftosmis, M.J. and Berger, M.J. (2002) Multilevel Error Estimation and Adaptive h-Refinement for Cartesian Meshes with Embedded Boundaries, AIAA 2002-0863, 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit.

Parry, J. and Weinhold, I. (2010) CAD-Embedded CFD: A Conceptual and Technical Challenge, Proceedings of NAFEMS UK 2010 Conference, Oxford, pp. 137-142.

Sobatchkin, A. and Dumnov, G. (2013) Numerical Basis of CAD-Embedded CFD, NAFEMS World Congress, Salzburg, Austria.

Ivanov, A.V. Trebunskikh, T.V. and Platonovich, V.V. (2013) Validation Methodology for Modern CAD-Embedded CFD Code: From Fundamental Tests to Industrial Benchmarks, NAFEMS World Congress, Salzburg, Austria.

Cite this paper

T Mikjaniec, P Blais, J Parry, Numerical Basis and Validation of CAD-Centric CFD: Honeycomb Heatsink Study, NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 11, 2016, Pages 75-89,


Document Details

AuthorsMikjaniec. T Blais. P Parry. J
TypeJournal Article
Date 4th January 2016
OrganisationMentor Graphics


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