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CFD Study of a Steam Condenser

NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies

Volume 1, January 1998

ISSN 1462-236X

CFD Study of a Steam Condenser

N. Rhodes and M. Swain
Mott Macdonald Group, 20-26 Wellesley Road, Croydon, CR9 2UL, UK

Keywords: CFD, Steam Condenser, Multiphase Flow and Turbulence


Purpose of Analysis

The heat and mass transfer processes occurring in a steam condenser are very complex, involving a multi-phase flow comprising steam, water and air. Steam condenses onto the tubes through which cooling water passes. The condensate forms films of water which drain from the tubes forming droplets which migrate under gravity and aerodynamic forces toward the sump of the condenser. These processes cannot be represented exactly in a CFD model. However, by using correlations for heat and mass transfer and friction and some representation of turbulence, predictions of performance can be made. This study illustrates some of the effects of basic parameters by application to a simple experimental case. The program used to simulate the flow within the condenser was CFX release 3.3.

Cite this paper

N. Rhodes, M. Swain, CFD Study of a Steam Condenser, NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 1, 1998, Pages 47-58,

Document Details

AuthorsRhodes. N Swain. M
TypeJournal Article
Date 4th January 1998
OrganisationMott MacDonald


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