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Excel for Engineers and other STEM Professionals - Part 9: Modern Dynamic Arrays are coming to an Office 365 machine near you!

A couple of articles ago I introduced the new Dynamic Array Microsoft Ignite held in Florida at the end of September 2018 [1]. At functionality announced by John Campbell and Joe McDaid at the time, though, the new functionality was only available for beta-testing as part of the ‘insider’ program of Office 365. I stuck it out for several months in the hope that dynamic arrays would appear in my Semi-Annual version but eventually I caved in and licensed an additional personal copy that I could switch to ‘insider’ for its weekly updates. Now I just cannot envisage going back to a standard version! So far with this series I have been focusing on array formula but I'd be interested in hearing from you if there are other topics you would like to explore. Some of the topics we could cover include VBA, powerquery, pivot tables, application of array methods to solve UQ problems and if you would like to get in touch please email The worksheet which accompanies this article can be downloaded from

Document Details

AuthorBartholomew. P
AudiencesDeveloper Student Analyst
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st October 2019
OrganisationMDAO Technologies


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