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Challenges In Uncertainty Quantification

The NAFEMS Stochastics Working Group (SWG) has offered this exercise to the broader simulation community with the intent to grow individual capability while serving simulation practitioners with a new avenue for math-based design. The SWG has three focal areas, each with a roadmap for improvement: Technology, Education, and Publication. Our first Challenge Problem was designed to influence education collaboration with Academia, Government and Industry. There are 2 submissions “X” and “Y” which have met the entry requirements. The SWG has evaluated and compared the submissions with the intent to draw further discussion and practical research with the intent to enhance the use of Uncertainty Quantification by users of simulation-based design. The challenge problem was originally introduced at 2013 NAFEMS World Congress in Salzburg, Austria.

Document Details

AuthorsFortier. M Rebba. R Koch. P Karl. A Broggi. M Wright. L
AudiencesAnalyst Developer Educator
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st October 2014
OrganisationsGM SAS Institute Inc. Rolls Royce University of Liverpool National Physical Laboratory


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