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Modelling Like The Masters

Since time immemorial, artists and sculptors have attempted to capture that most elusive and imperfect form – the human body. From The Bird Girl to Venus de Milo, the female form has been sculpted, painted and modelled by the great and the good, for the purposes of art and beauty. In the 21st century however, modelling of the human body takes on a new meaning. Computer Aided Plastic Surgery is an emerging area of CAE, and more and more is using FEA and related technologies to create accurate models of the human form which will behave in the same way as the real thing, to advance medical procedures and allow accurate planning of surgery in a noninvasive and precise manner. This article, which won the Best Paper award for Most Innovative Use of Simulation Technology at the recent NAFEMS World Congress, discusses parameter identification for the hyper-elastic material modelling of constitutive behaviour of the female breast’s soft-tissues, based on MRI data, 3D surface scanning, and FEA.

Document Details

AuthorsRaith. S Jalali. J Volf. A Eder. M Kovacs. L
AudiencesAnalyst Educator Student
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st October 2013
OrganisationsResearch Group CAPS Technische Universitat Munchen


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