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Exploring the Future of Electromagnetic Certification in Consumer Electronics

Exploring the Future of Electromagnetic Certification in Consumer Electronics

Exploring the Future of Electromagnetic Certification in Consumer Electronics

The surge in portable electronic devices has led to a trend towards convenient, high-power wireless charging. The commercial adoption of this technology relies on the efficient interaction of electromagnetic fields between transmitters, such as charging pads, and receivers, such as phones. These fields also extend into the surrounding environment. To safeguard consumer electronics, the industry adheres tospecific emission limits, grouped together as Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). These limits apply not only to wireless charging devices but also to communication antennas.

This article appeared in the July 2024 issue of BENCHMARK.

Document Details

AuthorsChippendale. R Catom. W Zerfa. A
TypeMagazine Article
Date 16th July 2024
OrganisationElement Digital Engineering


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